Sunday, June 10, 2012

uhm meh merp derp hi?

One of the things that I lack is confidence. It's just the way that it's written in my DNA, I just care too much about what other people think of me. Meh, I'm starting to change my outlook on it, but it's really difficult.

Something about On Writing that most people wouldn't suspect - it's not only there to help improve your writing but it's also meant to evoke self-empowerement.

When I was reading and filling my book with sticky notes, I marked off one quote that I absolutely loved.

“You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.”

I'm tired of sitting around and wondering WHAT IF or what other people will think of me. If I truly want to accomplish something, then I should just go out and do it. Regardless of what other people will think of me, I just need to start doing things because that's what I want to do. Once I start having the mentality that everything will be okay, then it will be!

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