Sunday, June 10, 2012


Final blog post for this class :'(

“Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s.” 

In life, everything that occurs is all up for interpretation. The way that someone says "hey" even to the way that someone looks for you, it's all based on the way that you chose to interpret it. 

So.. why should this even be relevant?

OH IT IS QUITE SIMPLE. Our job as a writer is to create a story for the reader to get lost in. This is something that can be accomplished with sorts of figurative language and various types of imagery.

But the writer cannot determine how the reader will interpret it. 

It is all based on how the reader perceives the text to be. What may seem funny to one reader may seem crude to another. The main thing to remember is that we interpret things the way that our mind wants us to, we cannot control how we feel about certain things. This is important to remember because as we write, we need to remember how this can affect a broader audience rather than specifying on certain aspects.

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