Sunday, June 10, 2012

it all comes down to this

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.” 

Mr. King seemed to have read my mind.

I have never experienced such fear rather than right before I'm going to start something. What I really like the best is that as I read this I realized how this pertains to my life right now.

Graduation. This Friday.

I know it hasn't come yet, but graduation scares me because it's us starting to actually become who we are. We all have plans for college, and from there it's the rest of our lives. 

Am I actually ready for this?

Sure, high school has prepared us for college, but everything is in our hands. What we chose to do with our lives and how we handle our situations all depends on us. It's as if we started off our lives as little pieces of clay, and everything we have experienced up until graduation has shaped us into the people who we are today.

I know that I'm prepared for the next chapter in my life, but the scariest part is actually starting this chapter. Once I get a couple of pages in, I'm sure I'll turn out fine! <3

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