Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Dark Depths of Stephen King's Mind

When Stephen King started off his writing, there seemed to be a wittiness to his writing - something that I was unaccustomed to. In my previous article, he discussed a death without showing any remorse towards the person or the situation. I was wondering when I would discover the darkness of his mind, where all of the monsters hide waiting to come forth into the reality of his writing.

The next passage did not fail to disappoint. 

"By 1985 I had added drug addiction to my alcohol problem, yet I continued to function, as a good many substance abusers do, on a marginally competent level."

Ladies and gentlemen... He just went there.

The thing that I like the most about King's writing is the fact that it is raw. He doesn't edit what he says because of the readers or because it may portray a darker aspect of his life, it influences his career. He embraces the lowest points in his life and uses it as inspiration for his writing. He even states that he "knew I was an alcoholic as early as 1975, when I wrote The Shining." 

Most people would run away from their issues as soon as it comes up, but King uses this to fuel his writing. The Shining was one of his most popular works, and he was dealing with alcoholism at the time he wrote it.

I really like this because it shows how the flaws we have can drive us to try anything. It shows that we should learn to embrace ourselves for who we are, because in the end we can benefit from things that we typically would be ashamed of showing.

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