Tuesday, May 1, 2012



For my Advanced Composition class, it was assigned to read a book and post weekly about it! I chose On Writing by Stephen King. I've only read the three forewards so far, but I just wanted to write an initial post about my expectations for this assignment. I've grown up reading Stephen King, I used to be obsessed with him and then I would move on to another book. I was a weird kid... I would usually read alone while the rest of my friends were off playing. I didn't mind though, reading allowed me to experience new things that the playground couldn't satisfy. Anyway, I have high expectations for this book. I really want to see a new part of Stephen King that I haven't seen before - not only through his memoirs but through the language of the text as well. I also want to find a better understanding for myself through the text, maybe new methods for writing that I can utilize through my final days of high school and in my new adventure: college. Let's hope that these things come true as I read the book!

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